Thursday, 31 October 2013


I found this so interesting!! When i first saw this movie i was entranced by the movement of everything especially Meridas hair. At first i felt a little uneasy because it was SO realistic. In this video they showed you how its done. A lot of it was also to do with light which i think was quite an eye opener, I hadn't really thought about it before. They mentioned facial expressions but trying to keep her beauty- i guess you need to be thinking what kind of character you have to bear their facial expressions in mind!! I found this movie so inspirational I really want to see it again!! I've never used 3D computer animation before but the things you can do with it look so good! like they just stuck a wig on the rig and it moved with it perfectly. It's amazing!!

The princess and the frog- Charlotte

Character Design

I really like the character-Charlotte- in The princess and the frog. She is so lively and slightly annoying but in a funny way. The way she moves is so exaggerated and she's passionate and over the top about everything. She is your classic blonde bimbo girl who makes everything much bigger than it is. She works well in contrast to Tiana who is very much the opposite. 
I love the way Charlottes clothes fit perfectly with her personality-over the top. I also like the way they move with her and the slight delay to portray the floatyness of the dress. I also like her face like how its kind of chubby and cute and innocent. My favourite scene to show her is

For some reason it cant find this when i search for it on  here? It's such a funny scene. She has to be centre of attention all the time. This has shown me that designing a character is all well and good but they also need to have personality to make them come alive. This is something i would like to look further into as i am quite interested in character design.

Character Design

This guy is cool and I think the things on his videos are really useful. There are some really good tips on here like he works from reference photos and goes from there. This is a really good idea because that way your character will look more realistic because you have got the basics for what makes the character and you can play about with it. I am looking forward to trying out these things at home!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Reflective practice

Why did you choose to study this programme?

I chose to study this programme because:
- When I came for the open day and the interview the staff were very friendly and welcoming.
- The tutors spoke about the courses with passion and made me really look forward to what there was to come.
- The content of the course looked interesting and there seemed to be more tutorial time compared to some other universities.
- The show real was interesting and impressive.
- Leeds seems to be a nice place and also very student friendly.

What do you want to learn in the programme?

I would like to learn:
- To make things move in general.
- To make things realistically move using the 12 principles of animation.
- To create interesting believable characters.
- To be able to create a world for my characters to be in.
- To capture my audience in my imagination.

 What are your strengths?

I believe my strengths are:
- Following instructions to get results.
- Learning and being up to trying new ways.
- Thinking of characters straight away in my head.
- When I get engrossed in a project I just carry on working till its done.
- I know about spacing and levels etc. from drama.

What do you want to improve?

I would like to improve on:
- Refining my characters properly.
- Creating scenes.
- Time management/ organization.
- Blogging
- Working as a team.

What ways do you evaluate your progress?

- I try to write a small evaluation on each piece as I complete it and think what I can do better. I do this at each stage so like last time on my storyboard I evaluated after the post it notes, after the drawings and then after the computer version.
- I ask my piers and family what they think to my work as an outside perspective.
- If I would not be happy to share it on Facebook, Instegram, or blog it, it's not good enough.
- The reflective/ design cycle.
- Comparing my work to my piers.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

What is reflective practice?

Reflective practice is when you look back at your work and let other people look too and learn from it by looking at things that now you would maybe change now you know more.

Things you need to think about are
-what you did
-why you did it
-did you learn from it?
-what would you do differently next time?

We will constantly be doing this on our blogs and in our evaluations so I think it was good that we had this lecture.

Gibbs came up with this cycle which works well for most creative industries

Reflection is learning through experience and theory to deepen understanding.